Obama To States: Shut Down Coal Plants Or Else

Michael Bastasch The Daily Caller 2/3/2015

The Obama administration is taking a page from their health care playbook and setting aside billions of dollars to encourage states to shut down coal-fired power plants and implement policies to fight global warming.

President Obama’s 2016 budget proposal includes $4 billion in payments to “support states exceeding the […]

VIDEO: 'Stupid voters' would have killed Obamacare

…so they hid the truth on purpose.

Amy Miller Legal Insurrection 11/10/2014

One of Obamacare’s architects was recently caught in a nasty moment of honesty that has the potential to further damage Democrats who signed on to the Affordable Care Act.

Jonathan Gruber, who served as a technical advisor to President Obama during the ACA’s […]

Confirmed: Many of Obamacare's 'Eight Million Enrollments' are Duplicates

Guy Benson Townhall.com 5/7/2014

We’ve been throwing cold water on the administration’s so-called exchange “enrollment” figures for months, and for good reason: They’re incomplete to the point of deception. The Washington Post reported back in November that official tabulations were including anyone who’s “selected a plan,” which is the equivalent of placing an item in […]

Video PROOF found! Obama’s empty promise to Janesville plant, vindicating Paul Ryan.

Mr. Pinko iOwnTheWorld 9/3/2012

Phillip Kerpen dug this video up from 2008 where Obama promised the Janesville plant – specifically the Janesville plant – that they could re-tool and be here another 100 years and that he’d fight for that future. article here at TheRightScoop

From the iotw comments:

Then what happened? That plant closed […]

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Plan Yet Another House of Cards

Adam Berkland Human Events 7/19/2011

With a $154 billion bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac thus far, and regulators estimating the need for billions more, lawmakers in Washington have finally begun debate on how to wind down these two failed mortgage giants. While there is widespread agreement that they must be eliminated gradually to […]

Team Obama, DNC are targeting Tea Parties, top conservatives

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 9/20/2010

…the Community Organizer In Chief and the radical left is focusing its energy on stalking and harassing top conservatives and tea party patriots.

On Saturday, September 18th, Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart headlined an event entitled “Right Nation 2010,” held just outside of Chicago, Illinois. When Andrew Breitbart, a speaker at […]
