Media Fail to Identify Leader of Baltimore Riots

Ex-New Black Panther chairman a notorious racist

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 4/26/2015

Major news media outlets have failed to report one of the main leaders of the “splinter group” of Baltimore protesters who turned violent is a notorious racist and the former national chairman of the New Black Panther Party, WND has found.

The New York […]

‘Shameful': George Will disinvited from speaking at Scripps College

Twitchy 10/6/2014

American academia in a nutshell. One school invites a murderer who killed a Philadelphia police officer to address a commencement ceremony and to the left it’s a great victory for freedom of speech. Another invites a well respected conservative columnist but he’s disinvited because of something he wrote in one of his columns.


AG Holder’s successor may move further to the left, say cops and activists

Jim Kouri Law Enforcement Examiner 10/5/2014

…”While Holder may have been politically-motivated, Perez is politically-driven and in sync with Obama’s obsession to ‘even out the playing field’ using the civil and criminal justice systems,” said former police detective and corporate security manager Henry Bussen. “I don’t know which is worse: politically-motivated or politically-driven when it […]

President may tap labor secretary Perez to succeed Holder

Watchdogs Slam President’s Perez Power Play

Bill McMorris The Washington Free Beacon 9/30/2014

Rumors that President Barack Obama may tap controversial Labor Secretary Tom Perez to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder are drawing fire from government and labor watchdogs.

The White House is considering naming Perez to be the nation’s top law enforcement official, […]

Grand Jury report on the crimes of Kermit Gosnell, read by Ann McElhinney

Phelim McAleer YouTube 4/10/2014

Ann McElhinney (Producer, Gosnell Movie) reading an extract from the Grand Jury report on the crimes of the abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.



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Update: Incomprehensible Horror: A Nearly Unbearable Video From The Producer Of The Gosnell Movie (video)

This is a new video released […]

Filmmakers: Kickstarter Attempted to Censor Anti-Abortion Project

“This is unacceptable to us and it should be unacceptable to any filmmaker particularly on a platform such as Kickstarter which claims to be all about artistic freedom.”

Jeremy Boreing Truth Revolt 3/28/2014

The filmmaking powerhouse behind the incendiary documentary Fracknation has a new story to tell — that of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia […]
