White House releases Holdren video blaming polar vortex on global warming

Glenn Beck 1/9/2014

Earlier this week, Glenn mocked the local news coverage of the “polar vortex” – primarily, the fact that the media continued to find a way to spin the sub-zero temperatures as a byproduct of global warming. Well, it didn’t take long for the White House to get in on the action – […]

Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer Refutes Claims that Global Warming is Causing Record Cold

‘Polar vortices have been around forever. They have almost nothing to do with more CO2 in the atmosphere’

Marc Morano Climate Depot 1/7/2014

Award-winning Princeton University Physicist Dr. Will Happer rejected the media and some scientists claims that the record U.S. cold is due to man-made global warming. Happer, explained the science in an exclusive […]
