DNC promises ‘rain of hellfire’ against opponents

Speaker Pelosi tearfully expressed fear over extreme rhetoric. Does this cause her any concern?

DNC promises ‘rain of hellfire’ by Mike Allen Politico.com 9/18/09

The increasingly aggressive Democratic National Committee on Friday launched a new “Call ’Em Out” website targeting prominent Republicans for statements they have made about President Barack Obama’s health reform plans.

“Help […]

Don Surber: Cap and Trade tax fight continues

Don Surber Blogs.DailyMail.com August 28, 2009

The National Association of Manufacturers and the National Federation of Independent Business launched an ad campaign against the cap-and-trade tax, which will double Don Surber’s electric bill.

This evil must be stopped.

“Television, radio and Internet ads will run statewide through Sept. 4 in Alaska, Arkansas, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, […]
