Mike Lee Announces Boycott of ABCNews Until Stephanopolous Recuses Himself From All Election Coverage…

…Rand Paul Hints He’s Leaning In That Direction

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 5/14/2015

…Let’s all recall that the Democrats’ 2012 #WarOnWomen main campaign theme was not announced by an acknowledged partisan, but by an unacknowledged, covert one — George Stephanopolous, injecting birth control into the Republican debate, and furthermore asking about Mitt Romney’s views […]

Leaked Lib Megadonor Doc: 'Fundamentally Change Our Current Political System'

Mike Ciandella Business and Media Institute MRC.org 6/25/2014

…Towards the end of the document is a list of 172 liberal groups that the Democracy Alliance encouraged its supporters to donate to, entitled “Progressive Infrastructure Map Spring 2014.” A footnote on this list states that “[O]ver the last nine years, many of the organizations previously recommended […]

Palin Mocked in 2008 for Warning Putin May Invade Ukraine if Obama Elected; Romney Was Right in 2012

Tony Lee Breitbart.com Big Peace 28 Feb 2014

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin warned that if Senator Barack Obama were elected president, his “indecision” and “moral equivalence” may encourage Russia’s Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine.

Palin said then:

After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s […]

Obama senior adviser laments Drudge Report effect on the news

Charlie Spiering The Washington Examiner 4/3/2013

During a Playbook Breakfast event with Politico’s Mike Allen, White House Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer lamented the effect of the Drudge Report on the news cycle.

“This is less true now than it was, but there is a pavlovian response from some media outlets,” Pfeiffer explained, noting that […]

Speaker Of The House Shocked That President Who Likely Left Two Heros High And Dry In Benghazi Proves Incapable Of Keeping Phone Call Secret

Smitty The Other McCain 11/29/2012

For crying out loud in the dark, Boehner:

Republicans believe the administration leaked details of the 30-minute Wednesday night phone call to Politico, which is causing them to question whether they can trust the White House to keep details private, a sentiment that has caused progress in the negotiations over […]

Missing piece surfaces in the Obama puzzle

Thomas Lifson American Thinker 9/24/2012

Nobody knows for sure how Barack Obama managed to get into and pay for the elite higher education he received, particularly given his self-admitted lackadaisical approach to school in his younger years. The president’s decision to keep his higher education records a secret is considered unworthy of attention by the […]
