Full text of the Iran nuclear deal

Dylan Stableford Senior Editor Yahoo! Politics 7/14/2015

Iran Deal Text



Related: Killing Americans and their Allies: Iran’s Continuing War against the U.S. and the West




Mark Steyn Reminds Democrats: The Confederate Flag Belongs To Their Party



Rusty Weiss The Political Insider 6/25/2015

Columnist Mark Steyn weighed in on the Confederate flag debate, saying it’s absurd that the Republican party has been linked with the controversial relic because it’s actually a “Democrat flag.”

Steyn ripped the Democrat party historically, saying they were “the largest and most powerful institution supporting […]

19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

Hunter Schwarz The Washington Post 3/27/2015

Indiana has come under fire for a bill signed Thursday by Gov. Mike Pence (R) that would allow businesses to refuse service for religious reasons. The NCAA has voiced its concern ahead of Final Four in Indianapolis next week, there are calls to boycott the state, and Miley Cyrus […]

Friday Document Dump: Clintons Wanted to Force Militias to Register With Federal Government

Sancho Panza Soopermexican 10/11/2014

As expected, a large document dump was dropped on Friday at the start of a three-day weekend, hoping most Americans wouldn’t pay attention. Politico reports on many of the revelations from Clinton’s term as President, but this one about militias is especially interesting:

In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, […]

The Latino Child Eric Holder Booted Back Home

Humberto Fontova Human Events 7/11/2014

Attorney General Eric Holder can hardly contain his tears when explaining his program titled, “Justice AmeriCorps,” to provide emergency legal representation for the tens of thousands of Central American minors crashing our southern border.

“How we treat those in need, particularly young people who must appear in immigration proceedings, many […]

Not One of Us

TruthRevoltOriginals YouTube 6/18/2014

A Nation is a family. And those that swear an oath to defend that nation form a tighter family–one that depends on the loyalty of each member to protect their very lives. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle discusses the cultural disconnect not only of Bowe Bergdahl, but of the people who […]
