Obama’s ‘New World Order’ Quote Will Creep You Out Even if You’re Not a Conspiracy Theorist

Sanch Panza Soopermexican 7/23/2014

…this is the kind of “New World Order” quote that puts money in the wallet of Alex Jones, but aside from positing that Obama is a lizard space alien hellbent on imposing Sharia-Illuminati martial law on the world, it actually displays an amazing but troubling aspect of Obama’s “philosophy” of the […]

‘The people spoke’

Dave Brat talks to Glenn Beck about his victory over Eric Cantor

Glenn Beck 6/11/2014

On Tuesday, Tea Party-backed economics professor Dave Brat defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) in an election that was both historic and surprising. Brat will now face Democratic challenger and fellow professor Jack Trammell in November.

Despite being tremendously […]

Time to Go

Bill Whittle PJ Media YouTube 5/8/2014

Whatever happened to a loyal opposition? Boehner and McConnell just seem to be loyal, without the fervency and drive to oppose Obama’s recklessness. Bill Whittle is tired of seeing our country’s oldest tenets left hanging from a thread with no major leadership there to save them. It’s time for […]

Here’s What Hillary Clinton Said When Asked About Edward Snowden at a University Event

Oliver Darcy The Blaze 4/26/2014

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested Wednesday at the University of Connecticut that Edward Snowden helped terrorists by leaking classified NSA documents on secret government surveillance programs to the public.

“I think turning over a lot of that material, intentionally or unintentionally, because of the way it can be […]

Gas attack: How Democratic donors benefit financially from climate policy

Matthew Continetti The Washington Free Beacon 3/21/2014

…Steyer pledged to remove himself from the operations of his hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, in the waning days of 2012, when he was being considered as a possible secretary of Energy in the second Obama administration. But he remains an “outside limited partner” with the firm, and […]

'This is a great awakening. The Age of Obama is almost over.'

The ACU YouTube 3/8/2014

Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin, 2008 Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, author, television host and commentator, speaks at CPAC 2014 on March 8, 2014. Recorded at the American Conservative Union (ACU) Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2014, March 6-8, 2014, Washington, D.C.

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Update: Here’s why Dana Loesch can’t […]
