Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Sarah Palin was Right

PJ Media YouTube 8/1/2013

Bill Whittle wants you to guess who just said that Sarah Palin was right–that there are essentially bureaucratic death panels overseeing Obamacare. A hint: it’s a well known Democrat.

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Related: They’re Just Better Than You: President Lavishes Taxpayer-Funded Obamacare Subsidy on the House, Senate and Their Staffers

…Currently […]

Coming Soon To America: A Two-Tiered, Canadian-Style Health Care System

John Goodman Forbes 5/23/2013

…we are about to see a huge increase in the demand for care and a major decrease in the supply. In any other market, that would cause prices to soar. But government plans to control costs (even more so than in the past) by vigorously suppressing provider fees and the private […]

Uh-oh: Obamacare’s Target Audience Doesn’t Particularly Want It.

Nick Gillespie Reason Magazine 4/4/2013

Over at Investor’s Business, the always-interesting John Merline sends word of a troubling development when it comes to Obamacare: The very people it was supposed to help the most – the uninsured – don’t seem to want the damned thing.

After looking at a series of slides posted by Health […]

Did Obama Hint At Healthcare Rationing During SOTU?

Foundations quietly laid for massive government intervention

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 2/14/2013

Did President Obama hint at healthcare rationing during last night’s State of the Union address?

In his speech, Obama listed healthcare reform as a key in reducing long-term government debt, specifically referring to the “rising cost of health care for an aging population.”

“And […]

Obamacare’s IPAB: When Government Takes Over Health Care, You Become A Budget Item

Dr. Mark G. Neerhof 10/15/2012

As a physician, I would like to make you aware of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, a key element of the administration’s federal takeover of medicine.

IPAB is a board consisting of 15 unelected, appointed bureaucrats whose task it is to cut the growth of Medicare spending, […]

New York Times: We need death panels

Glenn Beck 9/26/2012


An op/ed that ran in the New York Times earlier this month has made a startling declaration: “We need death panels.” The claim comes from a former Obama advisor, Steven Rattner, who claims that too many Medicare resources are wasted on the elderly in their last year of life. While […]
