Ron Paul Tried To Warn Us About The Abusive BLM…In 1997

Shame on us for not listening.

Daniel Noe Western Journalism 4/29/2014

Speaking on the House of Representatives floor on September 17, 1997, then-Congressman Ron Paul warned of the “massive buildup of a virtual army of armed regulators.” He added: “The gun in the hands of law-abiding citizens serves to hold in check arrogant and aggressive […]

CNBC’s Rick Santelli tells Obama he can’t redistribute wealth if there is no wealth

Tom Tillison BizPac Review 1/18/2014

While discussing Friday’s jobs report, CNBC ’s Rick Santelli stressed that America “can’t keep spending like it’s 1999″ when it comes to unemployment benefits, and offered President Obama a tip on wealth redistribution.

Considering Santelli’s “rant heard ’round the world” spurred the very first round of tea party rallies, which […]

NYTs: Obamacare Burdens the Middle Class

Keith Koffler White House Dossier 12/21/2013

…The middle class, of course, is not what this White House is about. Its incessant assertions of providential care for average income earners has a distinct doth protest too much, methinks, ring to it. Rather, the White House’s voluble concern for the middle class is a political tactic – […]

Napolitano: Pope Francis should be saving souls, not pocketbooks

Church teaching on personal freedom includes a moral imperative to work and share

Andrew P. Napolitano The Washington Times 12/4/2013

…His encyclical, titled “Joy of the Gospel,” attacks free-market capitalism because it takes too long for the poor to get rich. “They are still waiting,” the pope wrote. Without capitalism, which rewards hard work and […]

NYTimes Spills The Beans: ObamaCare Isn’t Health Care, It’s Redistribution Of (Your) Wealth

Michael Graham The Natural Truth 11/24/2013

…For those nervous about potential changes, the president promised stability. “If you like your current insurance, you will keep your current insurance,” Mr. Obama said the day he signed the legislation in March 2010, a promise he made repeatedly as the Oct. 1 opening day of the online health […]
