They’re Going There Buddy – Bill To Cut Off Eric Holder’s Pay in House

Rick Wells GOP the Daily Dose 15 April 2014

It will be interesting to see what kind of tough talk comes out of the mouth of Eric Holder now. The “don’t go there buddy” attorney general claims that it bothered him to be the only attorney general in the history of the United States to […]

Holder to Louie Gohmert over contempt charge: 'You don’t want to go there, buddy!'

Allahpundit Hot Air 4/8/2014

Via the DC, enjoy his peevishness while bearing in mind (a) this guy has been in criminal contempt of the House for nearly two years, with 17 Democrats having voted against him; (b) the contempt charge stems from a claim of executive privilege in refusing to turn over documents related to […]

Liberal law prof: Obama’s unconstitutional power grabs are creating a ‘very dangerous and unstable system’

“The president is outside the line, but it has to go in front of a court, and that court has to grant review, and that’s where we have the most serious constitutional crisis I view in my lifetime, and that is this body is becoming less and less relevant.”

~Professor Jonathan […]

Senator: Obama ‘Perilously Close’ to Impeachment

Says administration has violated law

Garth Kant WorldNewDaily 8/22/2013

The momentum to remove the president is growing rapidly, as almost every day another lawmaker raises the possibility of impeaching President Obama.

Now, it’s Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla, who said Wednesday the president is getting “perilously close” to qualifying for impeachment.

Speaking at the Muskogee Civic […]

IG: White House ‘Made it Impossible’ to Pursue Lead in Fast and Furious Probe

Fred Lucas 9/20/2012

The White House’s refusal to release communications related to the Fast and Furious gun-walking program and the refusal of a White House official to be interviewed about the matter “made it impossible” for the inspector general (IG) of the Justice Department to “pursue that aspect of the case,” the IG, Michael […]
