Jeh Johnson: Legalized Illegals Don't Need to Comply With Obamacare

Melanie Hunter 12/2/2014

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in congressional testimony today that the Affordable Care Act–also known as Obamacare–will not apply to illegal aliens who are allowed to stay and work in the United States as a result of President Obama’s executive action.

“Mr. Secretary, is it true that the illegal immigrants […]

Mia Love: Obama’s Executive Amnesty ‘Looks More Like A Dictatorship’

Alex Griswold The Daily Caller 11/19/2014

Utah Republican Congresswoman-elect Mia Love told the hosts of “Fox and Friends” that President Barack Obama’s plan for unilateral executive amnesty looks “more like a dictatorship” than a democracy.

“This is not about the president. It’s about the American people, and what the American people want the president to […]

Obama: ‘We’re Not Repealing Obamacare as Long as I’m President’

Andrew Johnson National Review Online 12/3/2013

In his first remarks since the White House’s deadline for the improved, President Obama renewed his commitment to the law amid criticism for its initial launch. “My main message today is we’re not going back,” he said on Tuesday.

Citing a handful of anecdotal examples, the president highlighted […]
