‘Liberty Kids’ shake up L.A. Republican Party, look to other states

Sharon Bernstein Reuters via Yahoo! News 8/5/2014

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Amir Zendehnam passionately supports marijuana legalization, same-sex marriage, abortion rights and the Republican Party.

He is not alone. The 26-year-old aspiring restaurateur and chairman of the party’s West Los Angeles central committee, is one of a raft of ethnically diverse young libertarians who hold […]

Ron Paul Tried To Warn Us About The Abusive BLM…In 1997

Shame on us for not listening.

Daniel Noe Western Journalism 4/29/2014

Speaking on the House of Representatives floor on September 17, 1997, then-Congressman Ron Paul warned of the “massive buildup of a virtual army of armed regulators.” He added: “The gun in the hands of law-abiding citizens serves to hold in check arrogant and aggressive […]

Remember Obama’s illegal war in Libya?

Rand Paul to John Kerry: If it was wrong to bomb Cambodia without Congress’s approval, why is bombing Libya without approval okay?

Allahpundit HotAir 1/24/2013

_ _ Excellent, and not just the Libya stuff. Stick with it for Paul’s questions about how smart it is to be arming the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt when Morsi […]

Media blackout: Oregon mall shooter was stopped by an armed citizen

Dave Gibson Virginia Beach Conservative Examiner 12/15/2012

While reports of Tuesday’s shooting at the Clackamas Town Center Mall in Oregon, dominated the national media, until Friday’s horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, one very important detail has been repeatedly (and intentionally) left out of the MSM’s coverage.

The shooter, Jacob Tyler Roberts, […]

Petraeus retains super Washington lawyer Barnett amid potential probes

FoxNews.com 11/18/2012

Former CIA Director David Petraeus, who resigned after admitting to an extramarital affair, has retained powerful lawyer Robert Barnett of the Washington-based Williams & Connolly law firm.

Barnett specializes in crisis management and has represented some of the most powerful political figures in the country, including President Obama; former Presidents Bill Clinton and […]

Ron Paul's Congressional Farewell Speech

Eduardo89rp YouTube 11/14/2012

…I have come to one firm conviction after these many years of trying to figure out “the plain truth of things.” The best chance for achieving peace and prosperity, for the maximum number of people world-wide, is to pursue the cause of LIBERTY…


Update: Did Freedom Win?

…Leader-worship is unbecoming […]
