Jim Messina: Obama Never Attacked Fox News, Rush Limbaugh

Breitbart.com Big Journalism 3/21/2013

In another video from Talk Radio Network chief investigative reporter Jason Mattera, Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign manager and director of Organizing for Action Jim Messina denies that Obama has ever attacked Fox News or Rush Limbaugh—a funny claim, considering the wealth of evidence to the contrary.

On February 20, 2013, Mattera […]

Filibustering for your Constitutional rights

6 March 2013



H/T Revolutionary Communications


via Rand Paul Review:




Related: Congressman Justin Amash on Facebook:

Have you been watching Sen. Rand Paul‘s heroic effort on the Senate floor? He is filibustering John Brennan’s confirmation as director of the CIA. And he’d be happy to stop—if Pres. […]

Even CNN has beef with MSNBC’s latest liberal propaganda

Janeen Capizola BizPac Review 2/25/2013

Howard Kurtz, host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” used the “L” word on Sunday’s show when discussing MSNBC’s hiring of former Obama administration officials David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs.

Kurtz said the men “joined the liberal lineup at MSNBC, where they’ll be talking about their old boss.”

Someone from CNN calling […]

WH Told Gibbs Not to Acknowledge Drone Program: ‘You’re Not Even to Discuss That It Exists

Elizabeth Harrington CNS News 2/25/2013

Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said before he became spokesman for the Obama administration he was told to “not even acknowledge the drone program…you’re not even to discuss that it exists.”

The administration’s drone program has come under scrutiny since a confidential Justice Department memo — leaked earlier […]

'Binders Full of Women' vs. White House Women Treated LIke 'Meat'

Obama Treating Women Like Breeding Animals

Rachel Alexander Townhall.com 10/11/2012

…Abortion and birth control are highly controversial issues, with women divided over their use and funding. Consequently, it cannot be said that they equate to “women’s rights,” which all women have traditionally supported. Additionally, with all of the free women’s clinics around the country, it […]

Obama chooses campaigning on ‘The View’ over private meetings with world leaders at the UN

The Right Scoop 9/23/2012

You’d think at a time of such volatility in the Middle East that Obama would be willing to meet with world leaders while they are in the country, especially those from the Middle East. My guess is that since he turned down a request to meet with Netanyahu, he’s shunning them […]
