FCC: Broadband Providers Not Entitled to First Amendment Protections

Rudy Takala CNSNews.com 3/12/2015

…After finding that broadband providers themselves do not have a right to free speech, the FCC said that its new net neutrality rules protect the First Amendment rights of those who use the providers to access the Internet.

“Indeed, rather than burdening free speech, the rules we adopt today ensure that […]

FCC Commissioner Demolishes Net’s New Rules, In 3 Quick Points

Peter Fricke The Daily Caller 2/27/2015

After casting a futile vote against the FCC’s plan to regulate the Internet as a public utility, Republican Commissioner Ajit Pai delivered a blistering attack on the new rules.

In his dissenting statement, Pai advanced three main objections to the Commission’s “Open Internet Order:”

1. The Internet has grown […]

Report: American High School Students are Reading Books at 5th-Grade-Appropriate Levels

The Huffington Post 3/23/2012

High school students today are reading books intended for children with reading levels far below those appropriate for teens, according to a recent report.

A compilation of the top 40 books teens in grades 9-12 are reading in school shows that the average reading level of that list is 5.3 — […]

Documents show FCC coordinated ‘Net Neutrality’ effort with outside group

Conn Carroll Washington Examiner 6/2/2011

Documents made public yesterday by Judicial Watch describe extensive collusion by Federal Communications Commission officials with a left-wing advocacy group in a campaign to expand government regulation of the Internet.

The documents, obtained by Judicial Watch in a December 2010 Freedom of Information Act request, were created after Democrat appointees […]

White House technology advisor suggests regulating telecoms ‘into an inch of their life’

Mike Riggs The Daily Caller 4/11/2011

Obama advisor wants to regulate industry “to an inch of their life” – The anti-capitalist and pro-Internet regulation group Free Press held its annual conference in Boston this past weekend. On a panel composed exclusively of Democratic government officials, former White House technology adviser Susan Crawford said that the […]

Think the Republicans are doing a lousy job of ‘framing the message’?

Disgusting! Lib David Gregory to Paul Ryan: “How Much Responsibility do Republicans Take for This Spectacle… Shouldn’t You All Be Embarrassed?” (Video)

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 4/10/2011

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