Liberal Mega-Donor Wants to ‘Penalize People’ Who Add to ‘Climate Risk’

Yaël Ossowski The Daily Signal 7/2/2014

Speaking in New York City last week, Wall Street billionaire Tom Steyer outlined his vision for penalizing people whose actions may contribute to climate change.

“We need to reward people whose behavior reduces climate risk and penalize people who add to it,” Steyer said. “If we can get this […]

Robert Reich’s Full-Unemployment Agenda

Progressives have always had a keen appreciation for the fact that the state’s main competitors are religion and commerce, which is why they are always at war with one or the other or both.


Kevin D. Williamson National Review Online 1/24/2014

Robert Reich, after a lifetime of effort, has finally come up […]

It’s looking more and more like Robert ‘we’re going to let you die’ Reich was right

Morgen Richmond 4/5/2012

In the summer of 2009, at the peak of the legislative debate over ObamaCare, a video clip we produced at my old blog went viral of former Labor Secretary Robert Reich speaking at UC Berkeley. Reich was giving a made-up campaign speech demonstrating what a candidate for president would say if […]

Good News! Putin Wants to ‘Help Teach’ Progressives on How to ‘Take Back the American Dream’…

Stable Hand The Jawa Report 2/25/2012

By defeating those mean ole Republicans!

From Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid: The Russia Today (RT) Moscow-funded propaganda channel, which is backing the murderous regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, aired a special program on Tuesday night on how progressives in the U.S. can “Take Back the American Dream” […]

Rep. Dan Burton: The Danger of Underestimating Obama

Trevor Loudon New Zeal 8/14/2011

A very timely warning from Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana.

From the Washington Times:

It is a cardinal mistake in any competition, be it sports or politics – and politics is a competition of ideas – to underestimate your opponent. All too often, underestimating your opponent leads to disaster. I […]

If you don’t know what fascism is, look here

Left’s Fascism Exposed: Obama, by Decree, Should Strip Companies the Government Pays of Their Right to Engage in Political Activities Including Funding Think Tanks, According to Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich

NakedEmperorNews The Blaze 6/7/2011
