A perfect match

Melanie Phillips 5 June 2013

And so it came to pass. Samantha Power has finally made it into the top tier of the Obama administration.

Power is reputed to be one of President Obama’s closest advisers. Until now, she was the relatively lowly director of multilateral affairs at the National Security Council. With her reported […]

A century of world history from 1911 to 2011 summed up in 10 minutes of YouTube clips

Ted Thornhill Daily Mail [UK] 3rd January 2012

It’s a great way to brush up on your history – but some may find parts a bit depressing.

YouTube user derDon1234 has squashed 100 years of world events from 1911 to 2011 into a 10-minute clip using authentic footage.

It charts some of our greatest achievements, […]

UN peacekeepers failed to stop 500 Dr Congo rapes

UN peacekeepers “failed” when they did not stop the mass rape of more than 500 men, women and children in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the last six weeks, a senior official has admitted.

Mike Pflanz in Nairobi Telegraph [UK] 08 Sep 2010

Zaina Niangoma who was raped along with her […]

Diversity Czar Loves Hugo Chavez’s Revolution

“Apparently Hugo Chavez’s glorious revolution is something to be admired in the Obama Administration. Obama seems to have no problem having Socialists and Communists in his Administration ”

H/T to Kosmosnet
