Quote of the day

13 December 2012


A POLITICAL FLEET-IN-BEING: So one of John Kerry’s roadblocks in being named Secretary of State is a fear that Scott Brown might take the seat from the Democrats. And Tennessee’s Gov. Bill Haslam showed unexpected backbone on the ObamaCare exchanges because he feared a Tea Party challenge in 2014. Even the […]

Why Is Senator Kirk (D-MA) Still Voting on Legislation?

CAJ Note: Fox News Channel has just reported (2:30 PM EST 2/3/10) that Scott Brown will be sworn in tomorrow. Brown has demanded to be sworn in immediately, not next week as planned, via Breitbart News.

Why is Senator Kirk still voting on legislation? by SusanAnne Hiller BigGovernment.com 1/28/2010

The Senate has voted […]

Senate rushing to do favors for Big Labor before Brown is seated

Mark Hemingway Washington Examiner 2/2/2010

Yesterday, Senate Democrats rushed through a party-line cloture vote on Obama’s nominee for Solicitor General, Patricia Smith. Smith got 60 Democratic votes even though a Republican senator produced damning evidence that she lied in Senate testimony regarding her role in a controversial program that unfairly benefited labor unions while she […]

Scott Brown: ‘People Aren’t Stupid’

by John Fund Wall Street Journal January 29, 2010

Boston–When I arrived at his cramped state senate offices, Scott Brown had just opened one of the many packages he’s received since his stunning U.S. Senate victory 11 days ago. A local artist has done up a version of the iconic red, white and blue collage […]

Brown to vote ‘how I want to vote’

Senator-elect sees himself as maverick

By Matt Viser and Eric Moskowitz The Boston Globe January 29, 2010

Senator-elect Scott Brown, hailed as a savior for the Republican Party, pledged yesterday that he would not always vote the party line, saying he would chart his own course in Washington.

In a wide-ranging 30-minute interview with the […]

Scott Brown’s Faith

Posted by John at Verum Serum on January 24, 2010

Interesting post by Mike Potemra in the Corner: Scott Brown, it turns out, is a symbol not just of public dissatisfaction with the direction of President Obama’s economic policies, but also of the centuries-long religious development of the United States toward greater religious tolerance and […]
