A Selfie-Taking, Hashtagging Teenage Administration

The Obama crowd too often responds to critics and to world affairs like self-absorbed adolescents.

Eliot A. Cohen Opinion The Wall Street Journal 5/12/2014

…Often, members of the Obama administration speak and, worse, think and act, like a bunch of teenagers. When officials roll their eyes at Vladimir Putin’s seizure of Crimea with the line […]

The ‘Selfie’ President

John Hinderaker PowerLine 12/12/2013

There is a reason why the infamous selfie photo is the only significant news story to emerge from Nelson Mandela’s funeral. The shot, and the story, resonate with people because they express what we already knew about Barack Obama: he is a narcissist. Michael Ramirez puts the selfie into historical context:


Mandela Crashes Obama Johannesburg Appearance

Everyone wants to bask in Obama’s sunshine, even the deceased.

Opiate of the People The People’s Cube 12/10/2013





An international incident was touched off yesterday in Johannesburg, South Africa when a good-will appearance by President Obama was interrupted by an impromptu funeral.

Mr. Obama was generously posing for souvenir pictures […]
