Democrats’ Global Warming Witch Hunt Continues

Kerry Jackson 3/11/2015

Have a difference of opinion with an elected lawmaker? Expect to be hauled before the inquisitors. Shortly after we learn that seven climate scientists are being investigated, we discover that lawmakers are demanding private citizens turn over to them any information that shows they have funded climate research. As if it […]

Senate Democrats Pressure Networks to Increase Coverage of Climate Change

Robert Wilde Big Government 17 Feb 2014

Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) are gathering colleagues’ signatures on a letter to networks ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox expressing their disapproval at the lack of global warming discussion on the channels’ Sunday shows.

According to Sanders, “It is beyond my comprehension… that their […]

Obama senior adviser blames insurance company for cancerous woman’s plight

Patrick Howley The Daily Caller 11/4/2013

One of President Barack Obama’s senior advisers criticized a Wall Street Journal op-ed Monday from a cancer patient losing her health coverage because of Obamacare, and endorsed the idea that the woman’s insurance company is really to blame.

Daniel Pfeiffer, assistant to the president and senior adviser to the […]

Sen. Rand Paul Delivers Response to President’s Speech on Military Action in Syria

SenatorRandPaul YouTube 9/10/2013

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Related: Megan McArdle: Gee, Obama Sort of Went Out of His Way to Insult People Whose Support He Sought, Huh?

…His argument was, in essence: Republicans, you may not care about the freedom and dignity of foreigners, or children writhing in pain and going still on a cold hospital […]

5 Senators Who Support Immigration Bill Don’t Know Answer to Key Question About It

John McCormack The Weekly Standard 6/25/2013

Obamacare poses a tricky problem for supporters of the Senate’s comprehensive immigration reform bill. It would be too politically toxic to give illegal immigrants amnesty and taxpayer subsidies under Obamacare, so the Senate bill prohibits “registered provisional immigrants” (individuals who are now residing illegally in the United States granted […]

Shameless Dem Senators stand on corpses in Oklahoma to push climate agenda

US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse From Rhode Island Provides Erroneous Information To American Public in Global Warming Rant

Just The Facts Watts Up With That? 5/20/2013

First, I’m sure I speak for everyone at WUWT when I say that our hearts go out to all the families in Oklahoma affected by the weather tragedy there today.

