If you like your nun soap, you can’t keep your nun soap…

Elizabeth Scalia The Anchoress 4/25/2015

At least not if Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) have their way, because the government can’t leave anything alone; everything must be regulated: the Personal Care Products Safety Act (S. 1014) will basically regulate the small cottage industry of artisanal soap-making out or existence with annual […]

Political Activist: ‘Blacks Must Continue to Support Israel’

Political activist Star Parker (Facebook)



Shawn A. Akers Charisma News 2/25/2015

The Daily Mail of the United Kingdom reported recently that the White House sent a message to members of the Black Caucus to “skip” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on March 3. Syndicated columnist, author and conservative […]

Who Is Dick Blum and How Did He Get So Rich?

“The real estate company of the California senator’s husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions.”

Michael Walsh PJ Tatler PJ Media 1/17/2015

Well, he’s California Senator Dianne Feinstein’s mega-rich hubby, that’s who he is. A guy who flies well below the radar as he piles up obscene amounts of wealth, […]

Obama’s nominee for Pentagon post implicated in alleged theft of CIA documents

Jake Gibson, James Rosen Fox News 12/24/2014

The Obama administration’s nominee for a senior legal position at the Pentagon is one of the congressional staffers accused by Republicans and intelligence officials of stealing classified documents from the Central Intelligence Agency, Fox News has learned — and the controversy could imperil her shot at a major […]

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser debates CAIR’s Muhammad Siddeeq over Public Release of CIA Report

RightSightings 12/12/2014



  Update: Speaking rudely to terrorists is against American ideals but blowing up children is not? (video)



‘I think the “torture report” release was set for today to distract people from this’

Glenn Reynolds Instapundit 12/9/2014

…Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber — the gaffe-prone MIT professor who boasted that Democrats purposely deceived the American public about the health care law — is expected to break his silence this morning in a much-anticipated congressional hearing Republicans predict will undo the Affordable Care Act.

“This is the beginning of the […]
