Gen. Dempsey’s ‘failures in leadership’ cited in #Benghazi disaster

Rowan Scarborough The Washington Times 1/23/2014

Congress generally has given the Pentagon a pass on failing to come to the aid of Americans in Benghazi — that is until now.

Six Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, led by Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, have issued a blistering criticism of Army Gen. […]

Meet the 16 Republican Senators Who Voted to Advance Gun Control

Things Liberals Hate Facebook 4/11/2013




Related: Pelosi: Senate Gun Control Bill May Have Prevented Newtown…


Update: Senate cloture vote tells us one thing: the GOP as a national party is dead

Mark Levin: Sixteen Republicans who voted against cloture today must be CHALLENGED and DEFEATED

This is why […]

Filibustering for your Constitutional rights

6 March 2013



H/T Revolutionary Communications


via Rand Paul Review:




Related: Congressman Justin Amash on Facebook:

Have you been watching Sen. Rand Paul‘s heroic effort on the Senate floor? He is filibustering John Brennan’s confirmation as director of the CIA. And he’d be happy to stop—if Pres. […]

Brennan opposed 1990s attempt to capture bin Laden

Karen DeYoung The Washington Post 2/7/2013

(Jewel Samad/AFP)


A bit of news early in John Brennan’s testimony: Former CIA official Michael Scheuer has charged that Brennan, as chief of the CIA station in Saudi Arabia during the late 1990s, convinced the Clinton administration not to attempt an operation to capture Osama bin […]

White House Changed CIA Talking Points

Hill intel leaders confirm CIA guidance on Benghazi attack deleted terror references

Bill Gertz The Washington Free Beacon 11/19/2012

Senior Republican members of Congress confirmed Sunday that the Obama administration changed CIA guidance to senior officials that had identified the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi as an al Qaeda attack.

“The intelligence community had it […]
