How a Small Team of Democrats Defeated Larry Summers—and Obama

The president’s presumptive choice for Federal Reserve chair withdrew his name from consideration on Sunday.

David A Graham The Atlantic 9/15/2013

No one has ever said President Obama’s relationship with Congress was warm. But with cool fall temperatures creeping in, that bond may also have gotten a little bit chillier on Sunday, when Larry Summers […]

Senator Leahy’s Winter Pilgrimage to Havana

Capitol Hill Cubans 2/18/2013

After a visit to Havana in February of last year, which accomplished absolutely nothing (other than a great photo-op for General Raul Castro), U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) is back in Cuba today.

This time, he’s accompanied by the leading Republican advocate for unconditionally embracing the brutal Castro dictatorship, U.S. […]

Video: ‘So God made a liberal’

Allahpundit HotAir 2/8/2013

Commenters in the Greenroom called for it to be promoted, so here you go: Friday night fish-in-a-barrel fun from Sooper Mexican keying off the Super Bowl’s breakout commercial. Dedicated to Harry Reid and Sherrod Brown, who’ve decided that solving America’s unsustainable spending problem involves more tax hikes and fewer spending cuts, especially […]

Teachers Flock to Northwestern University for 'Marxist Conference'

Rebel Pundit Big Government 12 Nov 2012

This Saturday, the Midwest Marxist Conference was held at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. The event was teeming with teachers who spoke about the new found bond between the radical socialists and their Teachers Union. The all-day event, which collected money to support Chicago Socialists and […]

New Audio of Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown Could Lose Him the Election

“…there is ‘no chance it [Obamacare] will be repealed even if Romney wins; too many of us in the Senate will fight too hard to stop it because it’s the right thing to do…It’s the most important vote I’ve ever cast and it’s the best vote I’ve ever cast.’ ”

~Senator […]

Sen. Inhofe Acts to Stop EPA’s Job Killing Utility MACT Regulation by Using the Congressional Review Act

Democrats from Coal Dependent States Should Join Inhofe’s Effort to Protect Constituents from Skyrocketing Electricity Prices, says National Center for Public Policy Research

Alan Sexton Green Mountain Scribes 2/21/2012

Washington, D.C. — Policy experts from the National Center for Public Policy Research are urging bipartisan support for a joint resolution of disapproval under the Congressional […]
