'On the night of July 18, 1969 a party was held on Chappaquiddick Island...'

Ted Kennedy & the Death of Mary Jo

The Chappaquiddick Rant

T. Beck Adams Brian Cates Twitter and Storify 7/18/2014

H/T Ace of Spades HQ:

…Brian Cates, aka @drawandstrike, has been tweeting the timeline on that night in 1969, and it’s pretty gripping, pretty horrible stuff.

T. Becket Adams has collected those tweets into a […]

Ted Cruz Gets a Full-Throated Defense

Quin Hillyer The American Spectator 2/21/2013

If McCarthyism means the vicious and unfair smearing of somebody in public life, especially via toxic labels, then the most common refuge of a real McCarthyite is to throw around allegations of McCarthyism. With MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Missouri’s Democratic U.S. Senator-by-Luck Claire McCaskill both acting the part of […]

McCain faces hostile questions on immigration at town hall

McCain Stunned By Border Rage At Town Hall

Daniel Noe The Western Center for Journalism 2/20/2013

I’ll bet Mr. McCain wasn’t expecting this:



The news in pictures

14 February 2013


via Gail Gipson’s Political Page:



Ted Kennedy had a water incident but it didn’t destroy his career.


via One Hundred Percent Fed Up:



via The Common Sense Club:



Michael Ramirez:


via Conservatives against Obama and his liberal adgenda…



Defender of the Constitution, Judge Robert H. Bork, Dies at Age 85

Brian Freedom’s Lighthouse 12/19/2012

Word is out today that outstanding defender of the Constitution – Judge Robert H. Bork – died early this morning in Virginia at the age of 85. [Here] is a video tribute to Bork put together by the Federalist Society in 2011:

PJ MEDIA – Roger Kimball: Judge Robert H. Bork, […]

The Exact Opposite of Truth

Media coverage scarcely resembles the actual GOP convention.

Robert Stacy McCain The American Spectator 8/28/2012

TAMPA, Florida — The Republican Party has spared no expense to accommodate the hundreds of journalists who have come here to write dishonest stories aimed at preventing the GOP from winning this year’s election.

If you’ve been following major media […]
