51% Favor Government Shutdown Until Congress Cuts Health Care Funding

Rasmussen Reports 9/17/2013

President Obama yesterday criticized congressional Republicans for insisting on spending cuts in any budget deal that continues government operations past October 1, saying they risk “economic chaos.” Most voters agree a federal government shutdown would be bad for the economy, but they’re willing to risk one until Democrats and Republicans in Congress […]

The drawdown diet: Marines steamed by loss of hot meal at Afghanistan base

Bill Briggs NBC News contributor 5/31/2013

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.

The midnight ration service — known there […]

Obama nominates campaign director to top non-partisan position

Cheryl Carpenter Klimek BizPac Review 5/26/2013

In what appears to be another double standard, most of the media has turned a blind eye to President Obama’s recent nomination of Katherine Archuleta. The former Obama for America campaign political director has been nominated to serve as director of the Office of Personnel Management.

A non-partisan agency, […]

CBS: White House ‘Was Hoping’ Pain From Sequestration Would Hurt GOP

Breitbart.com Breitbart.TV 29 Apr 2013

CBS This Morning admitted Republicans “have a point” that the sequester’s cuts could be smarter and more flexible. They went on to say that the White House was hoping Americans would protest from the pain inflicted by the cuts and demand a reversal of the sequester bill.




Democrat James Carville on Deficit Spending: ‘Why Do We Want to Cut Anything?’

Brian Freedom’s Lighthouse 3/2/2013

At least Carville is honest. “Why do we want to cut anything. . . we’re not robbing our kids.”

The Democrats don’t want to cut spending. Therein lies the problem.



Update: No worries: Boehner is prepared to cave to Obama. Again. Capitulation in the Capitol: Boehner, Republicans Will […]

Sperling Admits Obama Misled in Debate: The President Did Propose the Sequester

Daniel Halper The Weekly Standard 3/3/2013

White House economic adviser Gene Sperling admits that, yes, in fact, the sequestration was President Obama’s plan.

“We put forth the design of” the sequestration, Sperling finally admits after a long back-and-forth:



Also, Gene Sperling Responds to Bob Woodward

CNN “Stater of The Union” WH […]
