Hillary withheld emails on Benghazi & Libyan oil - altered others to downplay Sharia

Robert Laurie Canada Free Press 6/29/2015

According to a report published this weekend, not only did Hillary lie about the YouTube video but she also lied when she said she turned over all of her non-personal emails. ….And at least a few of the emails that she did manage to turn over were sanitized to […]

'Never Again is Now'

5 things you need to know about ‘Never Again Is Now’ and Glenn’s big announcement

Wilson GlennBeck.com 6/8/2015

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Five years ago […]

'Anyone else tired of this crap?'

Steven Crowder LouderWithCrowder.com via Facebook 3/31/2015



Oh, the inconsistencies. Anyone else tired of this crap? LouderWithCrowder.com

Posted by Steven Crowder on Tuesday, March 31, 2015


  Related: George Will To Apple CEO On ‘Horrible’ Indiana: But You Do Business In Homophobic Saudi Arabia? (video)

…GEORGE WILL: There’s nothing more […]

UK Muslim Child Brides are Legal

Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs 12/21/2014

Theresa May banned Robert Spencer and me from entering the UK because of our principled stand against jihad and in defense of freedom, but she can’t ban child rape and marriage. And you wonder why the UK is doomed.

Instead of setting up sharia courts in the UK, sharia should […]

War on Free Speech: Ezra Levant ordered to pay $80K in Islamic supremacist suit

Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs 11/28/2014

In a chilling setback for free speech, my dear friend and colleague Ezra Levant has been ordered to pay the outrageous sum of $80,000 to an Islamic supremacist in what is the latest in an unending string of sharia based lawsuits to suppress and silence the truth.

“It is a […]

High-Profile Muslim Arrested in London Terror Raid

Norvell Rose Western Journalism 9/25/2014

Police in London have reportedly arrested one of the most high-profile, hate-spewing Islamists in Britain. Rounded up during a raid on 19 locations, Anjem Choudary was one of 9 men taken into custody by officers from Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism command on Thursday morning.

According to The Guardian newspaper, the publicity-seeking […]
