Building the New Dark-Age Mind

America’s descent into the Dark Ages will not end well. It never has in the past.

Victor Davis Hanson Works and Days PJ Media 6/8/2015

History is not static and it does not progress linearly. There was more free speech and unimpeded expression in 5th-century Athens than in Western Europe between 1934-45, or in Eastern […]

'No One Took Barack Obama at His Word'

Glenn Beck Fox News Channel Tuesday, July 28, 2009

(CAJ note: This is the transcript from Beck’s FNC program that evening saved directly from the site. Unfortunately, we no longer have a URL to the original post.)



At the end of the sixth month, President Obama looked over all he had created and […]

Anita Moncrief: White Privilege movement is mostly about power, very little about race

Anita Moncrief Progressives Today 5/20/2014

Anita Moncrief weighs in on the White Privilege movement in America:

In a series of investigative reports posted last week, Progressives Today has exposed the far left radical agenda of the White Privilege Conference (WPC).

On the surface the conference and White Privilege movement is supposed to be about how […]

The Black Book of the American Left: Volume I: My Life and Times

“A key to understanding the mentality of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions, while judging its opponents – America chief among them – by their worst deeds.”



Barbara Kay FrontPage Magazine 1/10/2014

…Horowitz was, like so many other Jewish sons and daughters of his generation, a […]

Common Core Roots Lie in Ties Between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers

Dr. Susan Berry Big Government 5 Dec 2013

  In an article published on Monday that advocates for Common Core standards, the Associated Press presents what amounts to the typical talking points for supporters when faced with criticism that Common Core is a federal takeover of education.

The standards were created by the National […]

Andrew Cuomo – Buying His Way to the Presidency with Common Core

Sara Noble The Independent Sentinel 4/12/2013

Andrew Cuomo wants to be President of the United States. That’s a frightening thought to those of us who know him well. He has little chance of succeeding though he doesn’t seem to know it. He knows how to get moneyed interests behind him however.

Cuomo is promoting a […]
