Prominent bankers, reporter turning up dead or missing

Four Prominent Bankers Found Dead Within Six Days, All Ruled ‘Suicides’

M.B. David Political Blind Spot via The Daily Sheeple 2/4/2014

What’s going on? Top officials from JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, and the Federal Reserve have all turned up dead over the course of six days.

Each was ruled by coroners to have taken their […]

Goldman to Fidelity Call for Calm After Global Stock Wipeout

Weiyi Lim and Inyoung Hwang Bloomberg 2/4/2014

…Strategists from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to AMP Capital Investors and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are also telling clients to hang on after losses that began with currencies in Turkey and Argentina spread to developed markets. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index slid 2.3 percent yesterday, capping its […]
