Terrence Williams Is Cleaning Up Ferguson and Spreading a Message You’ll Want to Hear

Jamie Jackson The Daily Signal 12/2/2014

FERGUSON, Mo.—Terrence Williams, 23, is a St. Louis native working hard to change the narrative that has inundated this city over the past several weeks.

While riots and looting have turned Ferguson into a catalyst for the race debate in the 21st century, Williams takes to the streets with […]

The Barack H Obama Foundation Received Tax Exempt Status in 30 Days in 2011

Are you still puzzled how a story like this can be uncovered by an alternative investigative journal and covered-up by the mainstream media? Don’t be. It’s a Conspiracy.

Charleston Voice 5/14/2013

A fresh Op-Ed this morning by IRS head Steven Miller reveals the lengths to which the IRS and the White House are going to […]

On First Day, Democrats Propose Eight Anti-Gun Bills

Ben Shapiro Breitbart.com Big Government 4 Jan 2013

With the left looking for its next big cause, Congressional Democrats have latched onto the Sandy Hook massacre as an opportunity to push gun control. Yesterday alone, eight new bills were introduced relating to gun control. Two conservative bills were introduced relating to ending “gun free zones” […]

St. Louis Reporter Confronts Obama on Frequent Family Vacations

Mike Opelka The Blaze 4/13/2012

ABC news recently reported that most Americans are cutting back on their vacation plans due to high gas prices and the lagging economy. But the Obamas seem to be oblivious to the issue.

The topic of the First Family’s frequent vacationing is one that a St. Louis TV anchor thought […]

‘Democrats own this.’

#Occupy Midwest Goons Vandalize Historic St. Louis Landmarks & Leave Threats – “Only Blood of Rich Will Stop Occupy”

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 3/20/2012

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Details and more photos are at GatewayPundit.

Update: ‘50 Million Dollar’ Man: Michael Moore Heckled by Occupiers

Michael Moore may sympathize with the 99 […]

Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck: Defending the Republic

FM NewsTalk 97.1 St. Louis, MO 10/7/2011

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