Aaron ‘Worthing’ Walker wins in court then SWAT-ed

Aaron Worthing SWAT-ted!

Donald Douglas American Power 6/25/2012

Aaron Worthing won a court victory today when parts of the peace order prohibiting him from writing about Brett Kimberlin were struck down in Maryland Circuit Court. Aaron posted on that here: “An Important Victory For Freedom of Expression.”

But now there’s horrible news that Aaron […]

Aaron Walker Strikes Back

Dan Collins Conservative Commune 6/22/2012

Via Patterico, Zilla in comments, Stacy, Stacy again, Michelle Malkin, Ladd Ehlinger and numerous other people comes the news that Aaron Walker has retained legal counsel and that there is a 501(c) behind fundraising efforts to defend him and other bloggers against the predations and harassment of notorious convicted domestic […]

Sarah Palin Keynote Speech at RightOnline 2012

RepublicHeritage YouTube 6/17/2012

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin gave the keynote speech at the 2012 RightOnline Conference this past Friday, June 15th.

There are more Right Online 2012 videos here.

Hitler Learns Aaron ‘Worthing’ Walker Case Has Been Dismissed

lulz The Jawa Report 6/16/2012

Video at the Original Velvet Revolution

h/t @Liberty_Chick

Don’t know what this is all about?

You haven’t been paying attention then, look below the fold:

Update: Here’s the video, just wanted ya’ll to check out the REAL Velvet Revolution website above who is competing for “Google” hits with he who […]

Growing threats to our First Amendment rights: An address by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

American Enterprise Institute 6/15/2012

Go to AEI to read a post-event summary.

H/T Ace of Spades HQ:

I know lots of people think McConnell is among the Rinoeist of the RINOs but no one can deny he’s outstanding on freedom of speech (remember McConnell was the lead plaintiff in the case that sought to […]

The Story of #BrettKimberlin…and Why You Should Care

Watchdog Report Liberty News 8 June 2012

Brett Kimberlin is a convicted domestic terrorist. Here’s a detailed account of his terrorist activities…

…He’s also a “perjurer, attempted murderer, and all-around vicious jackass.”

Recently he went after blogger Aaron Worthing, who dared to blog about him. Kimberlin “attempted to make authorities in Maryland believe that on […]
