Bill Whittle: Silence Drudge!

Bill Whittle Truth Revolt 10/31/2014

If someone was trying to limit or suppress your First Amendment rights in America today, what would that Tyrant look like? A dictator in a military uniform? Or a soccer mom in a corner office?

In this weeks Firewall, meet Ann Ravel of the FEC and Lois Lerner of the […]

Dems on FEC move to regulate Internet campaigns, blogs, Drudge

Paul Bedard The Washington Examiner 10/24/2014

In a surprise move late Friday, a key Democrat on the Federal Election Commission called for burdensome new rules on Internet-based campaigning, prompting the Republican chairman to warn that Democrats want to regulate online political sites and even news media like the Drudge Report.

Democratic FEC Vice Chair Ann […]

The Internet: The People’s Media

C-SPAN 6/2/1998

Mr. Drudge discussed the Internet, dubbing it “the people’s media,” and talked about the ways in which news that is not reported in the mainstream media can be generated and reported on the Internet. He focused on the investigations of President Clinton and his reasons for creating the Drudge Report. Following his prepared […]

For Those Shocked By The Obama Scandals – Remember When Valerie Jarrett Said THIS…

The Ulsterman Report 5/14/2013

Readers of the have long known of the dangerous influence and power de-facto president Valerie Jarrett holds over the Obama White House. Now with scandal after scandal coming out regarding just how abusive and deceptive the Obama administration has been, we are reminded of the attitude reportedly shared by Jarrett […]

Obama senior adviser laments Drudge Report effect on the news

Charlie Spiering The Washington Examiner 4/3/2013

During a Playbook Breakfast event with Politico’s Mike Allen, White House Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer lamented the effect of the Drudge Report on the news cycle.

“This is less true now than it was, but there is a pavlovian response from some media outlets,” Pfeiffer explained, noting that […]

My Boy, Sweet Andrew

Orson Bean Big Journalism 1 Mar 2013

…The New Yorker announced that it was going to publish a major piece on him and sent a female journalist to L.A.. I feared a hatchet job. After hanging out with him for ten days, she wrote a love letter.

As his fame spread, well known political […]
