Harper Uses Handshake to Tell Putin to ‘Get Out of Ukraine’

Jason Scott and Ilya Arkhipov Bloomberg.com 11/15/2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin got a blunt message when he approached Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for a handshake at today’s Group of 20 summit in Brisbane, Australia.

“I guess I’ll shake your hand but I have only one thing to say to you: you need to get […]

Australia launches anti-terror raids over plot to kill

BBC News 17 September 2014

Australian police have carried out major anti-terror raids triggered by a call from a senior Islamic State militant for “demonstration killings”, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says.

The raids, involving at least 800 heavily-armed officers, took place in Brisbane and Sydney.

Fifteen people were arrested and one person charged with […]

Cruz’s legislation would strip Islamic terrorists of U.S. citizenship

Ted Cruz Just Announced A Bill That Would Go A Long Way Toward Protecting America From ISIS

B. Christopher Agee Western Journalism 9/5/2014

As troubling reports surface indicating that American citizens are being groomed by – and ultimately fighting alongside – Islamic terrorists abroad, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is set to introduce a bill that […]

If emissions regulations hurt Australia, why do Democrats want them for America?

Spencer Brown The Washington Examiner 7/21/2014

…Australia’s tax on emissions was intended to create a disincentive to emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide, but Abbott asserted that the carbon tax was hurting the Australian economy. After successfully getting the regulations repealed, the carbon tax officially ended July 17, retroactive to July 1.

Australia’s Department of […]

Bodies rained down on Ukraine village after plane disaster

Anton Zverev Reuters 7/18/2014

…Rescue workers say they have found most of the corpses, some of them largely intact, others mangled. Some have been piled together but others lie where they fell, the place identified by sticks placed in the ground with white cloth attached.

Some of the corpses have been wrapped in almost transparent […]

Smart Power State Department ends tumultuous day with stirring, relevant tweet

Mary Katharine Ham Hot Air 7/17/2014

…This tweet is from the official State Department account, from Jen Psaki, at 9:26 p.m.*, hours after two huge international stories have broken. Now, the administration perhaps can’t be expected to react to the actual events at issue seriously. Too much to ask. But what they do sometimes react […]
