A True Description of Fascism

Rocking MrE YouTube 11/10/2013

Fascism – a collectivist ideology that has nothing to do with ‘capitalism’.

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Website: http://www.rockingphilosophy.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RockingMrE Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/RockingMrE Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109302165…

A grid comparison of communism and fascism:





A Government of Secrecy and Fear

Will we get our lost liberties back?

Andrew Napolitano Reason Magazine 10/24/2013

I use this for my health after doctor told me to do it. I am very surprised with the result. Viagra pills! If you get a new prescription and need it filled that day, you can walk into a pharmacy and get it […]

NSA Whistleblower reveals scary details of government’s spying ability

…their statement about we don’t have content is an outright lie…


Glenn Beck 6/7/2013

Last night, news broke that the federal government has been tapping into the servers of nine major internet companies allowing them to access phone records, e-mail, web chats, photographs and documents. Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, […]

McCain Summarizes His Unconstitutional Worldview

Mark Horne Godfather Politics 3/9/2013

In blog time, John McCain v. Rand Paul is ancient history, but there is one particular point that McCain raised that I haven’t noticed that anyone addressed. McCain said,

“We’ve done, I think, a disservice to a lot of Americans by making them think that somehow they’re in danger from […]

Glenn Beck talks to Penn Jillette, author of 'Every Day is an Atheist Holiday! More Magical Tales'

GlennBeckBookList YouTube 12/7/2012

Atheist & Magician Penn Jillette meets with Glenn Beck. His new book “Every Day is an Atheist Holiday!: More Magical Tales from the Author of God, No!” Go to: http://www.bit.ly/AtheistHolidayBook — For more about this book and other books discussed during the interview go to http://www.GlennBecksBookList.com

Book Review: Let’s be honest—nobody has […]

Keynesianism & Eugenics

The theory of output as a whole, which is what The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money purports to provide, is much more easily adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state. ~John Maynard Keynes

John Aziz via Zero Hedge 5/25/2012

n looking at and assessing the economic paradigm of John Maynard […]
