Gutfeld: Media 'Brutally Smeared' ObamaCare Protesters to Get Law Passed

The Five 11/13/2014

This evening on “The Five,” Greg Gutfeld said that ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber made the 2009 ObamaCare town hall protesters look like fortune tellers.

“Let’s remember – Gruber didn’t call them stupid. He called the people who fell for the bill stupid, which made the town hallers geniuses.”

Gutfeld noted that […]

Progressive Activists to Disrupt GOP Town Halls in August

Tony Lee Big Government 31 Jul 2013

A progressive group will coordinate with liberal activists to disrupt Republican town halls during the August recess, when lawmakers will face questions about Obamacare and comprehensive immigration reform.

Americans United for Change, run by a former Democratic National Committee communications head, plans to send activists to Republican […]

Revolting the Masses

Occupiers vs. the tea party.

Editorial The Wall Street Journal 11/16/2011

The Occupy Wall Street movement is often said to resemble the tea party, but the differences are more significant and they were never clearer than yesterday. In New York City and elsewhere, the occupiers reacted to being cleared out of their aromatic tent-towns this […]

Congressional Black Caucus’ Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party

‘This is War’: Congressional Black Caucus Travels U.S. Cities Using Violent Rhetoric: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party, Says Tea Party Wants to Lynch Blacks, Calls for Bank Runs, Civil Unrest in Their Neighborhoods and Homes

Naked Emperor News via The Blaze 8/30/2011


Update: MSNBC anchor moderated Congressional Black Caucus’ panel portraying Tea […]

How Paul Ryan Won the Recess

John McCormack The Weekly Standard 4/30/2011

Did you hear the news? Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan, the architect of the House Republicans’ budget, was booed! By his own constituents!

The video of said town hall booing was clipped by the liberal blog ThinkProgress, zipped around the Internet, and then moved up the conveyor belt to CNN, […]

Overflow crowds for Paul Ryan town halls

Jennifer Haberkorn Politico 4/26/2011

Record crowds of supporters and opponents flood meetings throughout southeastern Wisconsin. AP Photo

KENOSHA, Wis. — Record crowds of supporters and opponents flooded town hall meetings throughout southeastern Wisconsin on Tuesday to hear Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) defend his plan to trim government spending — including controversial […]
