A Brief Note on the End of America as We have Known it

“It is a known fact that the policies of the government today, whether Republican or Democrat are closer to the 1932 platform of the Communist Party than they are to either of their own party platforms in that critical year.” –Walter Trohan (1903-2003) Chicago Tribune reporter (1929-1972) and bureau chief in D.C.

Arlen […]

George Soros: Managed Dollar Decline, New World Order

Maggie M. Thornton Gulag Bound 4/25/2011

This post from Maggie Thornton, originally appearing January 4th in Maggie’s Notebook, informs us of the goals of Soros and Company, this Bankster Spring. In this video [below] George Soros talks about the new World Order and the “managed” “slow decline” of the US dollar. He wants a “world […]

On the Left, Comparing Bush’s America to North Korea Makes You Supreme Court Material

Tim Graham NewsBusters.org 4/3/2010

They were in mourning at Pacifica Radio on Thursday when radical Obama administration official Harold Koh failed to live up to his Bush-trashing writing during the last administration. He defended the legality of U.S. drone attacks on suspected terrorist locations. This dismayed Democracy Now host Amy Goodman:

AMY GOODMAN: Robert Mackey […]

American Thinker: Obama’s war on American sovereignty

August 28, 2009 Thomas Lifson

Andrew McCarthy explains on NRO [“Eric Holder’s Hidden Agenda“] what’s really going on with AG Holder’s investigation of the CIA over interrogation techniques. It’s what McCarthy delicately calls Obama’s “fondness for transnationalism,” or what I would call his war on American sovereignty.

In lucid terms, McCarthy examines the legal doctrines […]
