Goldman to Fidelity Call for Calm After Global Stock Wipeout

Weiyi Lim and Inyoung Hwang Bloomberg 2/4/2014

…Strategists from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to AMP Capital Investors and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are also telling clients to hang on after losses that began with currencies in Turkey and Argentina spread to developed markets. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index slid 2.3 percent yesterday, capping its […]

Economist: Fed taper is ‘a toe in the water’

Jake Tapper The Lead 12/18/2013

Federal Reserve officials decided Wednesday to start gradually reducing their massive economic stimulus program.

Beginning in January, the Fed will buy $75 billion in bonds each month, down from the $85 billion it had been buying since September 2012.

“This is a toe in the water,” said chief economist […]

This Is What 1,230 Days (And Counting) Of Explicit Market Support By The Federal Reserve Looks Like

Tyler Durden ZeroHedge 1/22/2013

The day Lehman failed saw the launch of the most epic central bank intervention in history with the Fed guaranteeing and funding trillions worth of suddenly underwater capital. However, what Bernanke realized quickly, is that the “emergency, temporary” loans and backstops that made up the alphabet soup universe of rescue operations […]

Peter Schiff: We Will Never Pay It Back, We Can't Pay It Back, That's Why We Raise The Debt Ceiling!

Foxmuldar 12/11/2012


H/T Blazing Cat Fur

Related: Steny Hoyer: The Debt Limit ‘Is Not Real’

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Tuesday that the debt limit is “not real” and should not be part of any negotiations to avert the fiscal cliff.

“First of all, I again would urge the Speaker not […]

Wall Street in Multi-Day Retreat

Adam Samson Fox Business 11/8/2012

The markets took heavy losses for a second day in a row Thursday in a broad-based retreat late in the session. Every major sector closed to the downside.

Today’s Markets

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 121 points, or 0.94%, to 12811, the S&P 500 dipped 17 points, or 1.2%, […]

Obama’s New Student Loan Bill Deeply Flawed

William Bigelow Big Government 7/8/2012

On Friday, Barack Obama signed legislation that kept transportation workers employed by spending more than $100 billion of our money over the next two years. The legislation also kept the 3.4% rate on federal loans instead of letting it double to 6.8%. The legislation was a sop, of course, […]
