Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow: ‘What We’ve Started is a Revolution’

Matthew Boyle Big Journalism 19 Jan 2014

MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina—Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow said during his speech at the South Carolina Tea Party Convention that Andrew Breitbart and the team at Breitbart News have started a “revolution.”

“What we’ve started, and what Andrew wanted to start, was a revolution,” Marlow said during […]

Author: Obama’s ‘brilliant’ statecraft costs the US worldwide influence

Ginni Thomas The Daily Caller 11/10/2013

…Conservative New Zealand author and blogger Trevor Loudon declared President Obama’s statecraft and foreign policy stances “brilliant” — when it comes to working for America’s rivals, that is.

“I think his statecraft is brilliant,” Loudon said in an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller. “But, you’ve got to realize […]

America’s First Openly Marxist Big City Mayor

Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media 11/5/2013




…Described by CNN as the “unabashed liberal,” de Blasio is actually to the left of Barack Obama, in the sense that de Blasio didn’t disavow his communist background once it came viagra no rx to light. At least Obama tried to cover up his ties […]

Outsourcing the jobs Americans won’t do?

British firm awarded huge contract to take over Obamacare

Joe Saunders BizPac Review 7/5/2013

A big part of Obamacare is in British hands.

And the news in Friday’s New York Times came with exquisite, if unremarked, timing.

Under the headline, “Big Contract Is Awarded to Administer Health Rollout,”

The Times reported:

“Racing to meet an […]

Take action: The last time Harry Reid rushed to pass a bill, we ended up with Obamacare

Support falling in polls, Harry Reid announces rush to pass immigration bill

Byron York The Washington Examiner 6/18/2013

With a new poll showing falling support for the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has announced an accelerated schedule in which the Senate would take a final, up-or-down vote on […]

Woodward’s and Wikipedia’s cozy and biased take on the Obama White House

Cliff Kincaid World Tribune 3/3/2013

If the White House will push Bob Woodward around on such a mundane matter as Obama’s role in a budget stand-off, what else will they do? A look at Wikipedia’s page on Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis might give us some indication. It is apparent that Obama supporters and […]
