Appellate Court Issues Landmark Ruling in Favor of Louisiana Monks

Are the Monks of Saint Joseph Abbey Headed to the U.S. Supreme Court?

Shira Rawlinson Institute for Justice 3/20/2013

Arlington, Va.—Today, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a unanimous final decision in favor of the casket-making monks of Saint Joseph Abbey, setting up what could become a historic clash at the U.S. Supreme […]

UN Throws A Hissy Fit After Texas Threatens To Arrest Their Election Observers…

Zip Weasel Zippers 10/25/2012

…Texas authorities have threatened to arrest international election observers, prompting a furious response from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

“The threat of criminal sanctions against [international] observers is unacceptable,” Janez Lenarčič, the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), said in a […]

Federal court blows away ‘global weirding’

Next time, sue the weatherman

Editorial The Washington Times 3/23/2012

Climate alarmists have lost a major court case that had the potential for turning every weather emergency into endless litigation. It’s a victory for the law, for science and for common sense.

On Tuesday, Federal Judge Louis Guirola Jr., in the Southern District of Mississippi, […]

NRA: Opening Briefs Filed in Federal Age Limit Challenge

From a Nation Rifle Association/Institute for Legislative Action email 12/28/2011

On Dec. 5, the NRA filed its opening appellate brief on behalf of several law-abiding young adults challenging the federal ban on dealer sales of handguns and handgun ammunition to persons between the ages of 18 and 20. The case is Jennings v. Bureau of […]

Border Patrol Agent Diaz gets two years prison for handcuffing illegal alien

“The judge ignored numerous admissions by their own witnesses of perjury. Word is the government did not want this case sitting out there being campaigned on during the 2012 election cycle, so that Holder/DOJ leaned on the judge.”

Kimberly Dvorak Homeland Security Examiner 10/24/2011

Border Patrol Agent Jesus “Chito” Diaz received a two-year […]

Obama tries run-around on order to halt drill moratorium

Carol Greenberg Conservative Outlooks 7/12/2010

We know that Obama is not one to give up easily. Or at all. Most of you probably know he imposed a deep-water drill moratorium after the BP Gulf disaster. A federal judge as well as the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned that order.

But in true-Obama style, […]
