Heavy ice could delay start of Shell Alaska’s Arctic drilling

Kim Murphy Los Angeles Times via The Kansas City Star 5/26/2012

SEATTLE — The heaviest polar ice in more than a decade could postpone the start of offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean until the beginning of August, a delay of up to two weeks, Shell Alaska officials said.

Unveiling a newly refurbished ice-class […]

#Climategate scientists DID collude with government officials to hide research that didn’t fit their apocalyptic global warming

‘I’ve been told that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is above national Freedom of Information Acts…One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process.’

5,000 leaked emails reveal scientists deleted evidence that cast doubt on claims climate change was […]

The End of Climategate?

New data on global temperature trends sheds light on the 2009 climate change scandal.

Ronald Bailey Reason Magazine 11/1/2011

Climategate erupted into public with the release in November 2009 of thousands of emails sent to and from researchers associated with the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. It became a […]

EPA’s Lisa Jackson Backing Away From Global Warming Hoax?

Van Helsing Moonbattery.com 2/3/2011

If you are looking for the most extreme envirofascists on our supposedly endangered planet, the best place to start would be the Environmental Protection Agency, which Comrade Obama is counting on to impose authoritarian restrictions on the economy so pointlessly malignant that Harry Reid couldn’t get them through the Dem-controlled senate. […]

Mike Mann’s ‘secret’ meeting on the Medieval Warm Period

Anthony Watts Watts Up With That? 10/22/2010

While not really “secret”, one might describe it that way because unlike the many things Dr. Mann has been doing lately, there wasn’t one peep of press coverage about it. He helped organize this conference, and as we know Dr. Mann doesn’t shy away from reporting to the […]

Climate change: failures of global warming probes ‘let down public’

John Ingham Daily Express [UK] 9/15/2010

PUBLIC inquiries into the Climategate scandal have failed to restore confidence in the science behind global warming, a report claimed yesterday.

It branded as flawed the three inquiries into the leaking of e-mails by scientists at East Anglia university’s world-leading Climate Research Unit.

And it called for independent inquiries […]
