How does the Affordable Care Act affect you?

DaveRamseyShow YouTube 10/4/2013

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Dave breaks down the possible effects of President Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.

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H/T Poor Richard’s News


Related: Obamacare will double my monthly premium (according to Kaiser)

…I am canceling insurance for us and I am not paying any fucking penalty. What the hell […]

FOIA Shows Link Between ACORN and NLRB

Tony Lee Big Government 4/21/2012

Cause of Action, a nonpartisan group that seeks more transparency in government, recently discovered e-mails through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that show linkages between top National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) executives and ACORN, the liberal community organizing group Andrew Breitbart helped expose and eventually put out of […]

Campaign against Canadian Keystone XL pipeline driven by US foundation millions

“The president has been getting help from his allies on this. These are President Obama’s friends and it’s an election-year issue. Obama approved the [Alberta] Clipper pipeline in 2009. The only difference was that he wasn’t running for re-election.”


click on the image to enlarge

David Martosko The Daily Caller […]

No surprise: Media Matters tied to and…

See who is one of the biggest donors to anti-Fox News activist group

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 2/16/2012

One of the single largest donors to the embattled Media Matters for America is a controversial far-left clearinghouse that funds groups such as, ACORN and a litany of anti-war organizations, WND has learned.

The organization in question, […]

Who is Behind the ‘US Day of Rage’ to ‘Occupy’ Wall Street This September 17th

#TOMALABOLSA in Madrid, Spain (Confirmed) #OCCUPYFDSF in San Francisco, USA (Confirmed) #OCCUPYBAYSTREET in Toronto, Canada #OCCUPYCANARYWHARF in London, UK #OCCUPYMARTINPLACE in Sydney, Australia #OCCUPYBANKENVIERTEL in Frankfurt, Germany #OCCUPYMARUNOUCHI in Tokyo, Japan




Tiffany Gabbay The Blaze 8/19/2011

…You may recall that back in March The Blaze exposed Lerner for stating his […]

Wade Rathke admits: ‘Economic Terrorism’ engineer Stephen Lerner is still on SEIU Payroll

Scott Baker The Blaze 3/28/2011

On Sunday morning, The Blaze posted a story about the “return” of ACORN on the world-wide scene. While reading through some of the background material on that story, I noticed something significant.

ACORN founder Wade Rathke has been busy mocking the story that broke on The Blaze earlier this week […]
