Federal regs II: State Dept’s new regs would transform the Internet beyond recognition

J.E. Dyer Liberty Unyielding 6/8/2015

Rusty Weiss called to our attention this morning an update to “arms trafficking” regulations posted to the Federal Register last week by the State Department. The National Rifle Association has sounded the alarm, having recognized quickly how these new regs would effectively shut down the exchange of information among gun […]

Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

Administration knew three months before the November 2012 presidential election of ISIS plans to establish a caliphate in Iraq

Administration knew of arms being shipped from Benghazi to Syria


Judicial Watch 5/18/2015

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified […]

YouTube Terminates MEMRI TV Account

Someone complained that MEMRI was sharing truthful videos of Muslim hate-speech

Jeff Dunetz Truth Revolt 12/2/2014

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a valuable resource for those who want to learn what the Muslims in the Middle East are saying to each other away from the eyes of the mainstream media. Early on […]

Dems on FEC move to regulate Internet campaigns, blogs, Drudge

Paul Bedard The Washington Examiner 10/24/2014

In a surprise move late Friday, a key Democrat on the Federal Election Commission called for burdensome new rules on Internet-based campaigning, prompting the Republican chairman to warn that Democrats want to regulate online political sites and even news media like the Drudge Report.

Democratic FEC Vice Chair Ann […]

Well, this is interesting: Looks like Bowe Bergdahl's father was in contact with al Qaeda

Doug Ross @Journal DirectorBlue 6/7/2014

Liberty Speaks co-blogger “Lady Liberty” contacted me earlier today with some interesting information.

It would appear that the father of Bowe Bergdahl, the AWOL/deserter swapped for five bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, has been in communication with member(s) of Al Qaeda.

On Google Plus, Robert Bergdahl‘s contacts include one “Anissa bint Yusuf […]

Walid Shoebat reveals disturbing comments and YouTube activity of Bowe Bergdahl’s father

The Right Scoop 6/2/2014

The first and most obvious comment from Bowe Bergdahl’s father, Bob Bergdahl, was at the White House presser on Saturday. Walid Shoebat and company put this video together that shows us a couple of things.

First, what’s been said to be an Islamic greeting is in fact the most famous war […]
