Neil Stevens
…The two big stories I’m seeing are that Google’s Street View spying troubles are coming home to the US, and the NSA is apparently expanding its mission to protect US communications from foreign agents in a new and potentially troublesome direction.
For the most part, Google has been having troubles in Europe related to its Street View services. It was revealed that the Street View vans were spying on wireless networks and recording data from them, something that gives trouble for Google under various European privacy laws. However US officials may begin to act now that it’s come out that gee, US officials weren’t immune to this spying if their home networks weren’t secure. Says Consumer Watchdog at its site
“This is the most massive example of wire tapping in American history and even members of Congress do not appear to be immune,” said Jamie Court, president of Consumer Watchdog, which published the results on its website. “Whether it’s compromising government secrets or our personal financial information, Google’s unprecedented WiSpying threatens the security of the American people and Congress owes Americans action.”
I can only wonder what emails Vint Cerf and Andrew McLaughlin are exchanging about this matter.
Speaking of spying, the National Security Agency is in the news again. The spy agency charged with cracking enemy signals and protecting our own is apparently looking at protecting private signals over the Internet with a new program called Perfect Citizen. In theory, the program sounds harmless if narrowly construed and operated in good faith, but theory is irrelevant here…
The complete article is at