The first of Czar Cass Sunstein’s mandated websites now online

Judi McLeod
Canada Free Press

Now that Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein is making spoon-fed government propaganda mandatory on political websites, Canada Free Press (CFP) is introducing

Forcibly including government propaganda on political blogs gave us the idea for, a dumping ground for the right to do the same thing to the left.’s motto? (Are you listening MSNBC?) “Why make up the news when the truth is scary enough?”

We would have called the site but as Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn have proved there is no freedom of speech in the Land of the Maple Leaf.

This could be a lot of fun, Cass.

Although the New York Times and Tingle Man Chris Matthews are already prohibited from posting, the new website would welcome Rush, Mark, Sean and Glenn.

If he promises not to de-populate us, we’d make Mikhail Gorbachev our emeritus editor in chief. Perhaps he could return the favor by admitting that if he and his sidekick Maurice Strong really cared about the environment, the gilt and sycamore Ark of Hope conveying the Earth Charter would be made of tofu.

“In an audio excerpt of an interview which was posted on the website yesterday, Sunstein discusses how conservative websites should provide links to liberal websites and vice versa or even how political blogs should be made to include pop ups that show “a quick argument for a competing view.”…

…The Balancing Act of Czar Cass Sunstein made room for, already registered and waiting for posts.

Read the whole article at Canada Free Press.

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