Another Big Labor Operative in White House has ACORN Ties
by Don Loos continues to wake-up America to Obama Administration relationships with ACORN and Big Labor. BigGov’s latest story highlights Presidential Advisor Valerie Jarrett’s crew member Buffy Wicks who is the former political director of forced union dues financed (Wakeup). In the conference call, Wicks highlighted the important role United We Serve ( has in President Obama’s Organizing America strategy. See Dana Loesch’s article about directing volunteers to ACORN.
The Obama campaign boastfully promoted Wick’s moniker, “Buffy the Wal-Mart Slayer” that highlights her community organizing experience with Wakeup’s efforts to increase costs for Wal-Mart and the prices for its customers. However, the Obama White House press release tones down Wicks past position:
Buffy Wicks, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement. Wicks has a long history in grassroots organizing and civic engagement. Most recently she was the Director of the Renew America Together effort, the call to service issued by then President-elect Obama. She also served on the Obama for America campaign in a variety of roles, including California Field Director and Missouri State Director, and helped develop the national grassroots field strategy. She has also worked in the labor movement, fighting for better health care and wages for disenfranchised workers. She is originally from California and graduated with a double major in Political Science and History from the University of Washington.
It appears that Wicks may be continuing to influence Wakeup on behalf of President Obama’s agenda, because Big Labor-funded Wakeup resources were used to harass Glenn Beck for his opposition to President Obama’s vision for America. Wicks’ former employer Wakeup currently boasts that it forced Wal-Mart to pull advertising from the Glenn Beck Show. Here’s Wakeup’s post:
You won. Walmart has bowed to pressure from activist groups and over 14,000 supporters to end its direct support of Glenn Beck. Finally, Walmart has distanced itself from Beck and his hateful rhetoric.
But, even though Bentonville has pulled its ad dollars from the Glenn Beck Program, it still advertises on his parent station. We think it’s time Walmart fully commits to keeping the airwaves free from offensive hate-mongering. Write Walmart and demand they pull all ads from Fox until Glenn Beck apologizes for his absurd remarks about President Obama.
Read the entire article here.
See more about Buffy Wicks here:
Much of the talk on the conference call [August 10, 2009] was a build up to what the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) was specifically asking of this group. In the following segment [link above], Buffy Wicks, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, clearly identifies this arts group as a pro-Obama collective and warns them of some “specific asks” that will be delivered later in the meeting. …
About this NEA involvement with pro-Obama propaganda writes:
The NEA supposedly is “dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts, both new and established; bringing the arts to all Americans; and providing leadership in arts education,” according to its website. It has nothing at all to do with health care, tax policy, or the environment. Nor should it; if it belongs in government at all, it should restrict itself to its area of expertise, not abuse taxpayer patronage by becoming a propaganda arm of the current administration.
Meanwhile, Glenn Beck’s ratings continue climb weekly. At this writing his is the third highest rated of all programs on all cable news channels combined.