Vatican to America: ‘Social Justice’ is About Relationships, Not Socialism

Lisa Graas
NewsReal Blog

Peter Cardinal Turkson, President of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, has a message for Catholics in America, particularly those involved in social justice ministry, that could put a damper on the political machinations of the Shadow Party.

The message? “Social justice” is about “relationships,” not “socialism.” This clarification may very well be the catalyst to set the Catholic Church in America back on course with authentic Catholic teaching on hot-button issues involving massive government entitlement programs and other forms of overreach. If nothing else, it will almost certainly jump-start the “social justice” debate among Catholics. Cardinal Turkson, you see, is scheduled to deliver the plenary address at the 2011 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in February.

Though the news was published on January 13, reporting and commentary from among Catholics inAmerica is, so far, scant. Even conservatives in the Church have been largely silent about the new ‘vocabulary’ Cardinal Turkson says he will be offering to help American Catholics understand that a “gift” is “not quite the same as a handout.” In an interview with Catholic News Agency, the Cardinal explained that the clarification is necessary because Pope Benedict’s encyclical “Caritas in Veritate” (“Charity in Truth“) has been misinterpreted by the Vatican’s American audience…

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