Why Cuba Belongs on the Terrorism List

by Humberto Fontova
Pajamas Media
January 16, 2010

In a fit of pique, and with chin upraised, Castro recently slipped off his white glove and slapped it across Obama’s face. “Angry Cuba demands removal from U.S. terrorism list,” ran a recent Reuters headline.

“We categorically reject this new hostile action by the government of the United States against Cuba,” snapped Josefina Vidal Ferreiro to the AP this month, reacting to the new U.S. airport security measures. Senora Vidal serves as head of the Cuban Foreign Ministry’s “Office of North American Affairs.” “These new security controls are discriminatory and selective!” she continued.

Perhaps she also meant they might be “effective” — and against such as herself. Don’t look for this revelation in the AP, Reuters, CNN, or from from any “news” agency that has earned a coveted Havana bureau from Cuba’s Stalinist regime, but this very Josefina Vidal was expelled from the U.S. in 2003 for espionage. At the time she served as a “diplomat” in New York, more specifically as “first secretary” of Castro’s mission to the UN, an outfit with an absolutely engrossing history. To wit:

On Nov. 17, 1962, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI cracked a plot by Cuban agents that targeted Macy’s, Gimbels, Bloomingdale’s, and Manhattan’s Grand Central Terminal with a dozen incendiary devices and 500 kilos of TNT. The holocaust was set for the following week, the day after Thanksgiving.

Castro planned his Manhattan holocaust weeks after Nikita Khrushchev foiled his plans for an even bigger one. “Say hello to my little friends!” Castro had dreamed of yelling at the hated Yankees in October of 1962, right before the mushroom clouds. But for the prudence of the “Butcher of Budapest,” Castro might have pulled it off. “If the missiles had remained,” Fidel’s sidekick Che Guevara confided to the London Daily Worker in November 1962 regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis, “we would have used them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York.”

In his diaries, Nikita Khrushchev hints that the genocidal fantasy of Fidel and Che (these maniacs might get their fingers near the buttons!) was a bigger factor in his decision to yank the missiles from Cuba than JFK’s so-called blockade.

The article continues at Pajamas Media.

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