Congressman Phil Gingrey, M.D., (R-GA)
On October 1, 2009, Congressman Phil Gingrey introduced the Health Care Bill of Rights [H.R. 3700]. The Health Care Bill of Rights outlines 10 straightforward principles that the House must abide by when passing any health care legislation. Congressman Gingrey’s plan increases the ability of every American to access affordable, quality care, and is a simple two-page bill, not a 1900 page bill like H.R. 3962, the health care legislation that passed the House of Representatives on November 7, 2009.
10 Prescriptions for a Healthy America
1. NO Government-run Health Care Plan
2. NO Cuts to Medicare
3. NO New Deficit Spending
4. NO New Taxes
5. NO Rationing of Care
6. NO Individual or Employer Mandate
7. NO Taxpayer-funded Coverage for Illegal Immigrants
8. Pre-existing Condition Coverage by 12/31/09
9. Medical Liability Reform by 12/31/09!
10. Reduced Health Care Costs by 12/31/09
Watch Congressman Phil Gingrey’s video about the Health Care Bill of Rights here.