Why does the NRA support Harry Reid?

Anthony G. Martin
Conservative Examiner

Over the past few years the National Rifle Association has made some highly questionable decisions regarding legislation in Washington and the politicians with whom it associates itself. One of the most glaring of those questionable decisions leads to this crucial question–why does the NRA support Harry Reid?

Harry Reid, of course, is the U.S. Senator from Nevada who serves as Senate Majority Leader for the Democrat-controlled Congress. Reid is also the one who stated that the income tax is ‘voluntary,’ that extremist Leftist Elena Kagan is a good choice for the U.S. Supreme Court, that the manner in which the infamous ObamaCare bill was passed was ‘open and transparent’ (although it was done in secret), and believes that passing legislation to slap heavy taxes on energy consumption by American citizens in the form of the ‘cap and trade’ energy bill is a good thing.

The NRA has consistently endorsed Reid and gives him favorable ratings…

…The problem with single-issue organizations such as the NRA is that a host of other highly important issues are totally ignored–issues that eventually have a negative impact gun rights. Gun rights cannot be viewed in a vacuum. The Second Amendment is important only as it is seen in relationship with the other 9 of the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
It is ludicrous, for example, to endorse a candidate based upon the Second Amendment alone, when that candidate is on record supporting measures that eat away at our liberties–such as endorsing a Supreme Court candidate who has stated that the government can, indeed, restrict freedom of speech, in clear violation of the FIRST amendment…

Read the complete article at the Conservative Examiner.

CAJ note: For the sake of disclosure we wanted readers to know that everyone at the Common American Journal is a member of the NRA. Our Wordboss contacted the organization by email yesterday and received more or less the same explanation that Anthony Martin outlines in this article. After discussion and consideration, we have decided that the organization must withdraw its endorsement of Reid, or we will have to sever our ties with the NRA.

UPDATE: Joshua recommended Gun Owners of America to us. Congressman Ron Paul calls the group, “The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington.”

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