NBPP’s King Samir Shabazz Says Whites Use Black Babies as ‘Alligator Bait,’ Laments ‘Fox Jews’

Jonathon M. Seidl
The Blaze

A video recently released by Election Journal shows New Black Panther Party member King Samir Shabazz railing against the media and defending his remarks calling for the death of white babies.

The video, which includes a date stamp of August 9, 2010 and says it takes place in Harlem, features the hate-spewing King Samir attacking Fox: “This is what King Samir and the Philadelphia chapter, along with the guidance and leadership of attorney Malik Shabazz, has been doing that you don’t hear about from Fox Jews; I’m sorry, Fox News.”

“Let’s talk about the little black babies that you use as alligator bait,” he adds:

There’s more video in this article at The Blaze.

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