Bag of Uncounted Ballots Found in Bridgeport, CT

CAJ note: who would have seen this coming after the Coleman/Franken  election of 2008 in MN?

Bob Connors
NBC Connecticut

In what has become one of the stranger twists in an already bizarre Governor’s race, a bag of uncounted ballots was found in Bridgeport Thursday night.

Republican officials were approached by Democratic operatives and told about the surprise ballot bag, according to Bridgeport GOP Chairman Marc Delmonico.

“It adds to the inconsistencies from the Democratic Party in Bridgeport.  It just keeps adding to it,” said Delmonico.  “There’s nothing odd about it; there’s certainly nothing missing about it,” said Ed Maley, a representative for the Democratic Party.

Delmonico said Democrats asked to have several people deputized to count the uncounted ballots, but Republicans objected, claiming that wasn’t proper procedure in the vote-counting process.

“These ballots are getting extraordinarily heightened scrutiny.  They’re being dealt with in a open public process so that everyone can witness it,” said Mark Anastasi, the city attorney for Bridgeport.

Instead the GOP asked police to take custody of the bag of ballots until the matter could be sorted out.

The votes could be pivotal in the race for Governor, in which neither candidate has conceded defeat…

The article continues at NBC Connecticut H/T Ace of Spades: Surprise! And So many things went wrong.

Mayor Jason McCoy has obtained a video that was taken inside a polling place in Bridgeport and shows a poll watcher warning a poll worker not to mix unofficial ballots with official ballots. She ignores him and he is escorted away.

There are additional charges:

* Some voters were given more than one ballot
* Other voters were not checked off on the registration list
* Some voters were never asked for IDs

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