Election Irony: Ron Paul Overseeing the Fed?

SusanAnne Hiller
Big Government

Oh, yes.  Elections have consequences and this one is a gem.  Rep. Ron Paul, who is extremely critical of the Federal Reserve and has called to abolish it or, at minimum audit it, may get the opportunity to oversee the Fed.

The Politico reports:

Paul is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology on the Financial Services , which oversees the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Mint and American involvement with international development groups like the World Bank. Unless someone bumps him, he’s next in line for the subcommittee gavel.

Paul is critical of all the institutions he would oversee. He’s long called for killing the Federal Reserve, and this year tried to get an audit of the Fed into the Wall Street reform bill. He’s asserted that the dollar should be tied to the gold standard in order to keep it from losing its value.

In addition, Reuters reports that Paul reemphasized his push for scrutiny of the central bank…

Read the rest at BigGovernment.

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